"Location is not available" error message Could not determine directory to use for Titanium Schedule application files locally Students on campus have the additional option of saving attachments to everest, then uploading them via everest to TI. Once the notes are saved into word on redwood you may attach them in TI. Students from home are able to type out their notes into word on redwood or copy/paste them into word on redwood. How do I attach documents in Titanium Schedule?

In windows, just click start and type ' rdclient'.Start your Remote Desktop Client ( RDP Client).Click here to view or change your network password. The Pulse VPN requires your Network Password.Directions to download and install are available from 4help.Install the VT Pulse VPN, and sign in with " VT Traffic over SSL VPN" (Note that the 'All Traffic' option will not work) If you are on a computer (with ethernet) in Williams Hall, the PSC or the CSC, you can skip this step!.Please read this webpage fully before contacting me with questions. NOTE: While I cannot directly support personal computers, I am glad to give advice as necessary. Backups are not running on this server, important files should be saved on Everest.

Printing to PDF and saving to Everest should work.Contact me if you need help uploading data files.Users can access files saved on Everest and Fuji.Uploading and Downloading files is blocked.The following restrictions are in place in order to remain in compliance with security requirements: Open some video files on Fuji (files cannot be downloaded to client computers).Open some data files on Everest (files cannot be downloaded to client computers).Redwood currently allows students to access the following software and files: Redwood is our departmental server designed to let students access departmental software from their computers while off campus.