Plays when he announces the amount of time the player must spend in detention.

Plays when he catches the player using a vending machine Sarah is guarding. Baldis Basics Mods Game Files Other/Misc Characters Basics 1.4.3/Remastered Edition. No using guarded vending machines in the halls! A Baldis Basics (BALDI) Mod in the Other/Misc category, submitted by T5mpler Ads keep us online. Plays when he catches Luke breaking down a vending machine. No vandalizing school property in the halls! Baldi has completely lost his mind in baldi loves fish mod New Baldis Basics Mod The Frustrated Gamer is back with a new baldis basics in education and. Nasty Guy to help catch any rulebreakers in the school. Here are the changes to the game.-All Sound are slow-Characters are sad and slow-Everthing is Flat-Items Are slow Credits to TheWizardRoyal for the original Slow edition. Principal of the Thing is a character that originated from the Original Baldis Basics, and of course, being the base game character, shows up in this mod series as well Headphones: When this event happens, the Principal and Baldi will wear headphones to listen to music for the whole event. Nasty Guy: When this event happens, the Principal will call for Mr. Welcome to Baldis Basics Super Slow Edition a mod for Baldis Basics 1.4.3 were it makes all the characters and items Super Slow. You can't get caught breaking any rules by the Principal during this event.

Headphones: When this event happens, the Principal and Baldi will wear headphones to listen to music for the whole event. Baldis Basics Characters FNaF World Modpack Version: 0. Principal of the Thing is a character that originated from the Original Baldi's Basics, and of course, being the base game character, shows up in this mod series as well! The addon has the environment and characters that will be hostile against the player. If he spots someone breaking the school rules, he'll always make sure to give them a detention." "He was hired to always make sure that every students in his line of sight follow the school rules.