The Anvil of Doom mount is very useful and although it makes the Runelord a bigger target, also provides some mass to push past enemies. He can go after casters or deal with mid tier units, but should stay away from melee characters or elite units. Notably, the Runelord is not a very strong fighter and lacks significant armour-piercing values. A runelord is a very valuable leader on the battlefield and should be paired with a thane to provide a melee expert to support the runelord.

The Master runes are generally upgraded versions of the standard runes and most of the time significantly more effective. WHI: If the Runesmith is the equivalent of a wizard then the Runelord is the same with every spell being overcast. Separate runes struck in the right order can call upon the different Ancestor Gods - Valaya for loyalty, Grungni to boost the power of arms and armour, and Grimnir to unlock the energies of fury. They are specially made to attract and hold the Winds of Magic, arcane powers which can be captured and subsequently unleashed by a Runelord. They are the very anvils upon which the rune weapons of legend were forged, and were, perhaps, the very creations of the great Forgefather Grungni. In times of great need, the most powerful Runelords bring an Anvil of Doom to battle - the most ancient heirlooms of the entire Dwarf race. They are a suspicious lot who jealously protect the secrets kept in their anvils and hammers, guarding the knowledge that allows them to make magic items - weapons, armour, rings and talismans - of greater potency than those wrought by any other mortal race.

Runesmiths work spells in with their hammercraft, binding the Winds of Magic into mighty runes of power.